Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1st and 2nd day working...

haha...1st day working i feel very excited about my work...
but...need to find and match the D/O...
match until my eyes blur blur de...
then the 2nd day...
also the same things i do...
the senior give me a box of D/O...
then want me to match...haizz...
also make my eyes blur blur de...
but really happy and tired...
however can learn many new things...
need to thanks the senior because they teach me alot things...

hope tomorrow will be better than today...

btw i really miss my school life especially when i'm in band...
haizz...hope the time can return...
want join the band again...
MGSSMB...always on my mind...
miss it very very much...

hoeyen [me] , eva , mimi , malya...

really miss the moment that we are together...

i love when i play trumpet...

really miss the moment...

the newest uniform that belogs to mgssb....

when ewar this uniform...

all members will look thin and smart...


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