Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Outing Extravaganza 10 Mac 2012 =)

This is my 1st experience outing with Persatuan Jurufoto Kuantan [PJK]...
Happy outing with them and can learn many technique of photography...
Btw... I just simply submit my artwork to PJK and now i win it...
hahaha...I really cannot believe it...
Special thanks to sifu2 in PJK who give me some advice...
I really appreciate PJK give me a chance..
Thank you very much...

This is the event poster...

This is the photo that I submit to PJK!!
BTW this photo still got many weakness..
I will work hard to polish up my skill yahh!!

Just Wanna Share My Happiness...
Thanks Read My Bloggie!!

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