Sunday, December 23, 2012

Finish Studio Photography dy =)

Finally finish Sem 2 dy...
This sem really learn alots from my friend and lecturer...
And having fun with my classmate...
Studio Photography really very nice and intresting...
Some of the Learning area really fun...
Especially conceptual photography, water splashing photography...
Photography really not easy to learn... but i will do my best in this courses...
Hope this sem will get high pointer...
Now waiting my new sem on 3 January 2013...
Next class is Creative Photography...
Hope i can do well in this class ohh...

Thanks to read my blog

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Before 21st...

Just left 6 days and I'm officially 21 years old...
And I'm old enough!!

Can't wait for 4 September 2012...
Happy Birthday To Me

But my family wanna do a Birthday Party for me...
Btw i think no need...
It's a very tired job...
As long as i have a simple dinner with my family is enough dy...

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Just having a small gethering with my High Schoolmate!!
Ainnur and Mimi at McDonald Indera Mahkota...
Miss the all very much..

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Classmate...

They are my classmate and Lecture...
Tajul, Ghen, Nassir, Hanis, Sir Adli, Suffi, Shah, Wan Faiz, Ezry,
Syahirah, Hoeyen [me], Tyrah, Arsyard and Amjad...
Happy Learning With Them...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Jessica's Wedding Dinner [28 Apr 2012]

Eva Sister's Wedding Dinner at Restoran Kamunlau...
For we all just a small gathering besides The Wedding Dinner...
Hahhass... =)

This dinner very nice bcoz...
1. Too many entertainment that is Dancing, Singing & many laa...
2. Can meet a part of my High School Band Member!!
Really happy to meet u all...
Jia Ji. Jing Ying, Eva, Yan Yun, Xin Huey, Garpeang and Sher Yi...

BTW...This is my 1st time going a Wedding Dinner without my family members...
Really a new experience yahh...haha...

The 1st Performance by Eva & Her TT Gang...
Very nice show by them...

Eva's Mother...

Eva's Sister & Her Husband...

We Are Sister!!

Take Photo With Jessica & Alan...

Our Table Number..

The Crazy Gang T.T

My Nikon Cap Terbalik dyy...

Simply Take gehh...hehe~~

Thats all from me today!!
Take Care & Thanks Read My Bloggie...
Just to share...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Finish Edit My Latest Artwork... Talent : Eva Thung

This is my latest Artwork...
Special Thanks to Eva Thung a.k.a My Best Sister!!
Be my free model and good cooperation with me...
Love You Sis!!

Thanks to My Classmate who help me in technique problem...
Thanks Arsyard my partner...
Thanks Suffi, Shah, Nassir, Tyrah...
You all really help me alots...

Below are my Artwork...
Please give me some comment...

Vanue : Tokong Indera Mahkota [Kuantan]

Vanue : Kolej Komuniti Paya Besar
[Studio Black & White]

Thanks view my Bloggie...
Just a simple post by Hoeyen Sin...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Outing Extravaganza 10 Mac 2012 =)

This is my 1st experience outing with Persatuan Jurufoto Kuantan [PJK]...
Happy outing with them and can learn many technique of photography...
Btw... I just simply submit my artwork to PJK and now i win it...
hahaha...I really cannot believe it...
Special thanks to sifu2 in PJK who give me some advice...
I really appreciate PJK give me a chance..
Thank you very much...

This is the event poster...

This is the photo that I submit to PJK!!
BTW this photo still got many weakness..
I will work hard to polish up my skill yahh!!

Just Wanna Share My Happiness...
Thanks Read My Bloggie!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Model Shooting Cheong Sam [Task 7]

Ohh!! Long time din update my Bloggie...
Heheh...Damn Bezy This few week...
Now only got time let me sit down and write my bloggie...
This week already done my Task 7 with Eva Thung aka My Besties!!
Special thanks to you Eva!!
Love u Damn Muchh!!!
Beside model Eva, I want thanks my classmate who help me adjust the lighting & many things in the studio that day!!
Special thanks to
1. Shah
2. Suffi
3. Nassir
4. Arsyad
5. Tyrah
6. Amjad
7. Tajul
and many lahh...
forget who dy la...hehe...Btw thanks all of you!!

Thanks View My Bloggie!!
Truly Write By Hoeyen Sin

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

1st Time Shoot Macro = Lousy

This is the 1st time im shooting macro..
Not really know the technique of macro shooting but im trying my best...

that's all from me!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The 2nd Task... Oreo Oreo Oreo

This is the 2nd task...

Emm... I think this task better than the 1st task...


Quite happy coz i know how to use the umbrella [flash]...

If not, all my photo lighting over or not balance...

This time i think quite good...

Happy Happy Happy!!

Btw...Next time i will impove more and more!!


That's all...

Take Care!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The 1st Task...Worst + Sad = FAIL

Coca - Cola Shooting...
Very nervous and exited to shoot this product...
This is the 1st time i shooting using a shooting table with umbrella [flash]!!
Damn... Dunnoe how to use it!! Never touch it before...
But... Luckly got my classmate help me setting the triger & others..
Thanks to Arsyad, Nassir, Amjad, Shah, Tajul, Ghen & others...
They really help me alot in photo editing especially PHOTOSHOP!!
Before this i really noob using photoshop...
Now, I can use abit dy!!
Yeay... So happy =)

This is the photo i shoot & edit with my friends...
Other group shoot 1-2 times only!!
My group shoot for 4-5 times and still rejected...
Coz lighting problem and we not arrange our product proper...
Whatever lerr!!!

Btw... Next shooting i will remember this FAIL...
And improve my skill and everthing on my 2nd product...


Thanks for reading my bloggie...
I just share what i know & what happen to me at this blog!!
That's all from me!!
See yahh...