Saturday, May 28, 2011

Citrawarna...Colours Of Malaysia...MGSSB...


late update bloggie...


im joined mgssb to citrawarna "Colours Of Malaysia" at KL...

this trip about 5 days 4 night [18-22 May 2011]...

18 May 2011

morning going to school gather...

then waitting bus coming fetch us...

when bus arrived, they arranging things in the bus...

leave school at 9am++...

we stopped to eat at mcd genting sempah...

after lunch, we proceed to KL...

when arrived KL...

we placed at Hotel Grand Pasific...

after check in at hotel, we going to training at Dataran Merdeka...

then when back hotel to rest...

19-20 May 2011

wake up early in the morning to breakfast at pasific cafe...

then going to Dataran Merdeka to training...

after training, go back hotol to rest n study [for student]...

hahaha...for me n other ex's is sleep n online n watch drama...

ewm...around 4pm++ going to Dataran Merdeka again to rehearsal with other group...

but...really pity us coz all the time is just rehearsal dy cancelled...

but we still having practise to perfect the songs...

this few day really make me tired...

when reach hotel, almost wanna die dy...hahaha...

tired but happy with they all...

especially TRUMPETERS...

21 May 2011 is the day...

Colours Of Malaysia...

when start the 1st show...suddenly heavy rain...

the rain like shower ahhh....haha

we all get into our tent to avoid to rain..

in the tent we saw SHAHIR [AF8], he is a malay artist...but also handsome...

haha...after raining heavy...

all the others group especially dancer make up like...ehhhmmm...

but make up also no use...coz raining all the time...

hahaha...all my cloth also wet wet...haih...

after go back hotel, feel like wanna sick...ishhh...

22 May 2011

the last day...we are going to visit some place n SHOPPING...


1st : sogo

2nd : chocolate factory


then going back to kuantan...




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