Friday, February 17, 2012

The 1st Task...Worst + Sad = FAIL

Coca - Cola Shooting...
Very nervous and exited to shoot this product...
This is the 1st time i shooting using a shooting table with umbrella [flash]!!
Damn... Dunnoe how to use it!! Never touch it before...
But... Luckly got my classmate help me setting the triger & others..
Thanks to Arsyad, Nassir, Amjad, Shah, Tajul, Ghen & others...
They really help me alot in photo editing especially PHOTOSHOP!!
Before this i really noob using photoshop...
Now, I can use abit dy!!
Yeay... So happy =)

This is the photo i shoot & edit with my friends...
Other group shoot 1-2 times only!!
My group shoot for 4-5 times and still rejected...
Coz lighting problem and we not arrange our product proper...
Whatever lerr!!!

Btw... Next shooting i will remember this FAIL...
And improve my skill and everthing on my 2nd product...


Thanks for reading my bloggie...
I just share what i know & what happen to me at this blog!!
That's all from me!!
See yahh...

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