Thursday, December 9, 2010

the last day of my form 6 life...^^


finally my form 6 life want end dy...

but in my heart i dun want this happy life end so fast...

this life brings me alot of joy , sadness , bitterness and many....

i also meet alot of new friends from Tanah Putih school that come study form 6 at MGSS...

they all is yen teng , hui zhsian , kiew yih , lee choo , kaka , bobo , jun wei , sin yee , felicia ,

kai shen , pey ling n many more...

although we are not very close...but i will alwayzz miss the moment that we happy n play together...especially the KL trip...haha...

seriously...1st time i going for a trip that not going with MGSS MARCHING BAND...

haha...but quite good go with form 6 members...very happy...haha...

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