Saturday, February 18, 2012

The 2nd Task... Oreo Oreo Oreo

This is the 2nd task...

Emm... I think this task better than the 1st task...


Quite happy coz i know how to use the umbrella [flash]...

If not, all my photo lighting over or not balance...

This time i think quite good...

Happy Happy Happy!!

Btw...Next time i will impove more and more!!


That's all...

Take Care!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The 1st Task...Worst + Sad = FAIL

Coca - Cola Shooting...
Very nervous and exited to shoot this product...
This is the 1st time i shooting using a shooting table with umbrella [flash]!!
Damn... Dunnoe how to use it!! Never touch it before...
But... Luckly got my classmate help me setting the triger & others..
Thanks to Arsyad, Nassir, Amjad, Shah, Tajul, Ghen & others...
They really help me alot in photo editing especially PHOTOSHOP!!
Before this i really noob using photoshop...
Now, I can use abit dy!!
Yeay... So happy =)

This is the photo i shoot & edit with my friends...
Other group shoot 1-2 times only!!
My group shoot for 4-5 times and still rejected...
Coz lighting problem and we not arrange our product proper...
Whatever lerr!!!

Btw... Next shooting i will remember this FAIL...
And improve my skill and everthing on my 2nd product...


Thanks for reading my bloggie...
I just share what i know & what happen to me at this blog!!
That's all from me!!
See yahh...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

2012 MGSSB Ex's Visit School =)

Visiting MGSSB!!
Miss marching band life so much!!
Really miss sweat together, jogging together, play together, sleep together and many more la...
Hope can join band again...
but now bezy studing, so no time to training and join competition...
My Stamina also down dy!!

The MGSSMB Ex's Line!!
[Aza, Chewa, Farahin, Yan Yun, Eva, Pn.Noorishah, Hoe Yen, Nazirah, Cyla, Sofea,
Diana, Amiza, Mimi]

We Are 2008 Committee Member!!
[Cyla, Mimi & Hoe Yen]

With Band Teacher

Aifaa...My Junior

Friday, February 3, 2012

Shooting At Taman Pertanian Indera Mahkota, Kuantan [SFK1 & 3]

Sijil Fotografi Komersil [SFK 1 & 3]
Outting with SFK 3...
Really very happy & learn something new...

That's all from me!!
