Tuesday, February 22, 2011


yes!! Finally get my result dy...

so fast...

although im not as good as the result of other people...

but i'm proud of what i can get in STPM...

haha...i'm very happy with the result i get...

and congratez to all my friends that get good result...

after stpm where should i go???

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

OMG!!!! im keep thinking of it...

omg...cannot stop thinking about 21 feb 2010 argh....
watching drama also think...
working , bath , eating i also keep thinking ah...
so scary la weh....cannot concentrate on my job also...
oh GOD...please help me...
how i want to work for this 4 day...
really no mood lah...
why the result so fast come out leh????
wish me good luck larh....